cleaning special offer qleanary

Только в Ноябре

5% Скидка на Вашу первую уборку

Не задерживайтесь с уборкой, доверьте уборку профессионалам. После выполнения уборки, Вам будут представлены различные скидки завсящие от количества уборок в месяц.

  • Safe: All cleaners have a clean personal record
  • Easy: To book your high quality cleaning
  • Quality: Customer reviews used to continuously improve quality
invite friends to use qleanary cleaning service in Phuket

Refer a Friend!

Recommend us to your friends and get 100 THB off on your next cleaning session

If you love everything with Qleanary, why not recommend us to your friends? Just refer us to your friends and get additional discount on your cleaning.

*Valid only if your friend already purchased the cleaning with us.

invite friends to use qleanary cleaning service in Phuket