You want to feel like your Phuket home is clean and organized and like you’ve got ‘it’ together? First of all, it’s very important to keep these things in mind Qleanary 5 best ways to keep your home clean.
Wipe Your Floor Often
The floors of your home take a lot of wear and tear every day. Deep cleaning of the floors implies rejuvenating them entirely with the top instruments, cleaners and machinery. Important to notice that your floors can look clean, shiny and new. Regular cleaning of your hard surface floors is a must at least once a week.
Keep Your Cabinets Sparkle
Maintaining your cabinets clean and tidy will safeguard your health from any type of disease and sickness. Any type of edible leftovers should not be placed in the desks but disposed in the trash bin promptly. No time for cleaning? Call Qleanary service to find your home helper in Phuket.
No Shoes In The House
Create a simple “no shoes in the house” golden rule is one of the best ways to keep your house clean. Shoes track in dust, dirt, and debris, so keeping shoes at the doors can mean much less floor cleaning for your house in Phuket!
Aircon Cleaning
Air conditioners in a sleeping state during night are often discovered to have become a breeding ground for bugs and insects infesting in the winds and banning air penetration. There are effective corporate aircon cleaning services that also include cleaning up the AC vents and light fixtures within their cleaning assignment. Qleanary will help you to take a good care of your AC.
Clean as You Go
Everyone probably passed by a blanket thrown over your bed or a pile of magazines lying on your table many times. Well, instead of choosing not to even pay attention to these messy spots, you should tidy them up as soon as you notice them. Every time you pass by a messy or dirty area in your home, don’t ignore it, but deal with it straightly. This will save you a lot of trouble later on when you can’t postpone cleaning anymore.
Keeping your home clean, tidy and healthy often just by adding a simple habits that will make both your home and your life more simple.